Meeting of MPS Commissioning Working Group

Date Main Topics & Presentations
15 Minutes 23 April 2008 Follow up eLTC [Jan Uythoven], Status Procedures and MTF [Alick Macpherson]
14. Minutes 24 January 2008 Discussion of conditions for working with a reduced cold aperture due to relaxed tolerances on beta and dispersion beating. [Massimo Giovannozzi]
13. Minutes 9 January 2008 Present implementation of the BLM threshold setting [Mariusz Sapinski]
The ongoing BLM operations debate [Laurette Ponce]
12. Minutes 19 December 2007 BLM experience at DESY [Bernd Dehning]
BLM experience at the Tevatron [Ralph Assmann]
The ongoing BLM operations debate [Laurette Ponce]
11. Minutes 12 December 2007 Preparation of BLM operation presentation to the LTC [Laurette Ponce]
BLM Family allocations [Laurette Ponce and Mariusz Sapinski]
Circulating beam failures and Loss Maps [Andres Alonso]
Status of the MPSC procedures in MTF [Alick Macpherson]
10. Minutes 10 October 2007 MPSC procedure for the Collimator system [Ralph Assmann]
9. Minutes 12 September 2007 Status of the MPSC procedures [Alick Macpherson]
Injection Protection Issues [Verena Kain]
8. Minutes 18 July 2007 MPS Aspects of the LBDS [Brennan Goddard]
MAC report
7. Minutes 20 June 2007 MPS Aspects of the Warm Magnet Interlock System [Ivan Romera Ramirez]
Commissioning: Injection Protection System [Verena Kain]
6. Minutes 9 May 2007 Presentation of procedures for the BLM system [Laurette]
General status and comments
5. Minutes 18 April 2007 Presentation of procedures for the PIC system, [Alejandro Castaneda]
General status and comments
4. Minutes 7 March 2007 Details of vacuum procedures document [Laurette, Jan]
MPS commissioning structure [Jan]
MTF [Blanca]
3. Minutes 14 Feb. 2007 MPS aspect of Vacuum System Commissioning [Laurette, Bruno]
MTF [Blanca]
2. Minutes 13 Dec 2006 BIS interfaces and commissioning [Bruno Puccio]
BIS architecture [Ben Todd]
MPS main systems and interfaces, future topics etc. [Jan Uythoven]
1. Minutes. 22 Nov 2006 Starting Point [Jan Uythoven]; Discussion on  aims and strategy of the sub working group