Summary Notes of the Eight Meeting of Sub Working Group on the Commissioning of the Machine Protection System,
Wednesday 18th July 2007



Present: Brennan Goddard, Eva Barbara Holzer, Ivan Romera, Alejandro Castaneda, Rudiger Schmidt, Jan Uythoven


CC: Ralph Assmann, Roger Bailey, Reyes Alemany Fernandez, Magali Gruwe, Verena Kain, Mike Lamont, Alick Macpherson, Blanca Perea Solano, Laurette Ponce, Bruno Puccio, Stefano Redaelli, Benjamin Todd, Jorg Wenninger, Markus Zerlauth,Walter Venturini


1. Comments on the minutes

There were no specific comments on the minutes of the previous meeting.

2. MPS aspect of the commissioning of LHC Beam Dumping System

Brennan Goddard presented an overview of the commissioning procedures of the LHC Beam Dumping System (LBDS). Details of the presentation can be found on the slides and in a draft of the commissioning procedures which was also presented. Some items were left open for discussion in a future meeting, due to the limited presence of people caused by the holiday period.


Some discussion points noted during the meeting:

  1. After injection of the first pilot, it should be checked that this is dumped at the end of the beam dump line. Before optimisation of the beam dumping system, optics measurements will first have to be performed on the circulating beam.
  2. Checks to be performed at intermediate energies, should be done on the fly, without stopping the ramp.
  3. The details of how the abort gap monitoring will be used in terms of alarms and/or interlocks needs to be followed up in the MPWG  (follow up R. Schmidt).
  4. The positioning of the TCDS and TCDQ are very critical for the general machine protection. The control HW is designed, built, installed and maintained by the BT group. In agreement with the collimation project and the MPWG the system includes an LVDT position sensor which will be used for interlocking the position. The acquisition of this signal, the generation of the interlock and the incorporation into the collimator control system is presently under discussion This should also be followed-up by the MPWG.
  5. Further outstanding issues are mentioned on slide 17:

3. AOB



Jan Uythoven, 20/7/07.