Summary notes of the forty-fifth meeting of the LHC Commissioning Working Group


Tuesday May 6th, 14:00

CCC conference room 874/1-011

Persons present


Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

There were no comments on the minutes of the 44th meeting. The 93rd LHCC meeting was going to be held on 7-8 May 2008. A special meeting between the DG and experiments was scheduled for this very evening. It was interpreted to amount to the “2 months warning before beam”. Indeed, as reported by Massimiliano shortly thereafter, the schedule according to this meeting is as follows.  End of June 2008:  full machine cold at 2K; mid July 2008:  close access to entire machine, including experimental areas; and end of July: first attempt to circulate beam.


Dry Runs (Mike)

Mike started his presentation by reporting the present conditions of the LHC machine, which included the cool-down of remaining sectors, extensive hardware commissioning, installation or remaining components, roll out of various items, software development, etc, while starting up the PS and SPS. The goal of the dry runs is to get ready as much as possible, to debug, and to establish control and integration from the CCC. This activity will lead into partial and later full machine checkout. Multi-system tests are designed to check the integration and the readiness of all systems. The targets comprise checks of all equipment control functionality, driving all relevant systems in a synchronized way through the standard operational sequence, and checking machine protection and interlock systems. The objective also includes the deployment and testing of LSA. Mike recalled the overall dry run schedule and the dry-run organization. He commented that all dry-run activities would be an iterative process, and that we must be prepared that not everything will be perfectly functioning at the first time.


Mike next ran through various items of the dry runs. Items indicated in red on Mike’s slides are those needing attention. First he looked at the inject&transfer dry runs: Kickers are operational now. RF pre-pulses arrived the day before the meeting. Abort gap keeper and advanced injection sequence are being tested.  Timing: This Thursday there would be an attempt to synchronize with SPS and injectors, with the LHC as master, organized by Delphine. Various modes would be tested: inject & dump, circulate & dump. Instrumentation was another item, and so were certain applications: Steering and threading, being tested and interfaced to LSA, injection quality checks, multi-turn acquisition and analysis, and equipment control. Reyes prepared a sequencer for the various phases.  The injection, ramp & squeeze dry runs comprise power converters/magnets, collimators, and the RF.


Oliver asked whether the test damper system was part of the test. Mike replied no, and Gianluigi added that the powering part had been tested locally. Some of the control is available. Both pointed out that the low-level part of the hardware was not yet there, however. At the beginning of beam commissioning, the damping functionality may not be at hand, but it might already be possible to inject noise via the damper. Oliver then inquired whether the timing signals for the damper had been tested so far. Gianluigi answered, no, only the power converters had yet been checked.


Concerning the PGC (powering of groups of circuits) as part of the circuit HWC, Mike recalled some examples from February like ramping 138 power converters in sector 4-5 to 5.3 TeV, and HWC shadowing. Now turning to the collimators, their settings generation (86 functions for all motors) had been taken care of by Stefano. Delphine, Eric and the LSA team. The complex collimator parameter space is supported within LSA. Collimators were driven in LSS3 simulating the changes needed during a cycle. From their parking location they went into a coarse setting first, then to their nominal injection positions and finally they further closed during the ramp to 7 TeV. Data from 7 collimators (readings of 24 LVDTs) reveal an excellent tracking and position control.


Oliver asked how the collimators were driven, and whether the drive was linked to the magnet current. Mike replied that the collimator drive was synchronized to the timing, and that different groups of collimators would be driven separately. Replying to a second question by Oliver whether an interlock is triggered if timing events go out of synchronization, Mike explained that at the moment events were put into a table and played via the timing system. He remarked that the events should all got out, in principle, without any question.


BDS dry runs are driven by Verena. Programmed dumps, inject & dump mode, and circulate & dump mode are here tested together with all interfaces. A pertinent wiki page. http://wikis/display/LHCOP/LBDS+Dry+Runs gives further information. Three dry runs were executed so far, and the fourth one was scheduled for the present week (19). All the beam instrumentation in the beam dump area was working for both beams, except for interlocked BPMs.

Coming back to Mike’s remark that the dry runs were an iterative process, Roger asked which fraction of the components was already working for the beam dump Mike estimated about 80-90% at the moment. He pointed out that reliability runs were presently ongoing, with XPOC running in the background. Such tests required most of the features to be working. Markus wrote the applications software for the dump supervision. The beam energy could not yet be inferred from the main bends at the moment, but a preprogrammed energy function was used. The beam energy tracking system (BETS) was working however, and the IPOC (internal post operational check) was active too. XPOC was checking BI data and LBDS data after each beam dump.

After touching local permit loops in point 6 and logging, Mike commented that the sequencer was heavily used, and being subjected to reliability tests, arming exercises etc.


Mike next quickly went through the summary and lists of remaining open issues. Some of the outstanding items do not have highest priority. An important open item is machine protection. Its control functionality needs to be tested before the machine protection test. Oliver asked who was responsible for the machine protection test and commissioning. Mike responded that Alick and Jan were in charge, adding that they were drawing up a procedure. The system must be tested before it gets serious. Replying to a further question by Oliver, Mike explained that there would be an MTF to sign off for the machine protection.


Lastly Mike reviewed the status of other components: RBAC, run control, LSA, DIP mechanism, dispatches, and instrumentation. Controls infrastructure was being deployed as needed. Oliver asked what the term “roll out” was referring to. Mike answered it meant that as items became available his team would pick them up and integrate them in the applications software and commissioning programme. More than 50% of the beam loss monitors were already available.


Oliver asked about the status of the matching monitors, and the proposed gas injection and pressure-bump test. Jean-Jacques first clarified that the gas injection would be needed for the BGI, and not for the matching monitor (OTR), before answering that the gas injection would be an MD, and that the vacuum group would be ready to participate in this. Miguel Jimenez elaborated that the hardware existed and a pumping station was available on the surface. The proposed test would require its installation in the tunnel. At the moment this experiment did not have the highest priority for the vacuum group and it would be deferred to June or July. In parallel to work in the arcs, the vacuum experts were busy with work on ATLAS and CMS. Oliver asked whether the commissioning of the pressure bump could be done in parallel. Miguel said the parallelism was not the issue per se, but simply the limited resources. Jean-Jacques commented that the situation was similar for BI, where other instruments like wire scanners or BSRT had higher priority than the BGI. Gianluigi asked whether one could test the pressure bump in June prior to beam injection.  Jean-Jacques remarked that the RF commissioning would start on the right side of IP4, and that there would be no access possibility during the RF tests. Miguel commented that the test could perhaps be done outside normal working hours. Jean-Jacques cautiously replied that this might depend on the need for patrol. It would certainly be easier to do the pressure-bump experiment before the start of RF tests. The best time was just after the cooldown to 80 K. Oliver emphasized that one should try not to miss the window of opportunity.


Mike finally reviewed the dry-runs objectives for instrumentation and hardware, listed the dry-run activities that had been executed so far, and summarized the plan for week 19, before acknowledging all the people who contributed to the success.


Roger asked why the PGC of sector 2-3 was included as a simulation in addition to the real PGC in 5-6. Mike responded that this was done to increase the scope of the dry run. Replying to another question of Roger, Mike confirmed that the provisional list of dry runs was posted on the web. He pointed out that details can be found at: http://wikis/display/LHCOP/Home . In a final remark, Mike pointed out that the tests were likely to become more difficult once the SPS was up and running.




Demo of Vacuum Displays & PVSS Tools (Isabelle Laugier)

Isabelle presented the control system for the LHC vacuum system, which is the same system as the ones already employed for LEAR, LINAC2&3 and SPS&TL. Her presentation covered the following points: architecture, SPS and transfer lines, LHC, main functionalities, interlocks to cryogenics, demonstration, and conclusion.


Isabelle first described the low-level and high-level architectures of the vacuum control system. The sector valve control units are directly connected to a PLC master. There are intermediate PLCs for the gauges and for some of the pumps. Each PLC master is in turn connected to the PVSS server. The user interfaces in the CCC are clients of that server.


The main vacuum-system components are pumps and gauges. Three types of pumps are ion pumps (VPI), mobile pumping groups (VPGM), and NEG coating after activation. Among the gauges, we find Piezo gauges (PGM, only for the cryo vacuum), Pirani gauges (VGR) measuring down to 1e-4 mbar, Penning gauges (VGP) that are active between 1e-4 and 1e-9 mbar, and the most sensitive ion gauges (VGI) which cam measure between 1e-7 and 1e-12 mbar. The latter are installed only in “warm sectors”.


The vacuum in the transfer lines is controlled from the SPS side. On the LHC vacuum display four regions can be clearly identified: An outer circle representing the QRL and cryogenics vacuum, two inner circles blue and red, representing the beam vacuums for beam 1 and beam 2, the dump lines and the 4 experimental areas. A window with the action history shows the name of the person who initiated a change. There is also the possibility to enter a comment. Most people will only have reading rights. The first LHC display example reflected the present situation. On the following display the normal LHC situation was presented. Green color for the inside of beam-vacuum ring means that all sector valves are open. If a valve is closed some sector(s) would be displayed in red.


Various vacuum display options are provided: The pressure profile can be displayed for the entire machine or for part of the machine. The type of equipment to be displayed can be selected. The full machine profile extends over 2 pages. Vacuum readings here are shown for the 2 beams, again distinguished by red or blue color. It will also be possible to select one beam only for display.


Miguel Jimenez commented that at low pressure only the readings from the ionization gauges would be credible, while the readings of the other gauges and pumps would simply correspond to their measurement resolutions. Stephane asked whether there was one ionization gauge per sector. Miguel replied, yes, approximately one every 20 m. Frank asked for a clarification that these gauges would not be available for cold sectors. Miguel confirmed that indeed there were no ion gauges and therefore no low-pressure information for the cold sectors.


A synoptic display shows the layout for a part of the machine and the state of vacuum equipment in this part. Detail windows can be opened for each type of equipment. Since, for example, it is impossible to close a valve is the beam is present, this type of situation will also be indicated in the detail window of a valve. Pressure and state histories are available as well. At the moment it is planned to log the VGP penning gauge readings every 3 minutes. Another panel with global actions application allows us, for example, to open all valves in one sector, or to stop or restart all ion pumps.


There are two levels of “interlock” to the cryogenics system if the insulation vacuum exceeds a threshold pressure of 0.1 mbar or 500 mbar, respectively. These “interlocks” occur with a delay of 30 s to avoid spikes. There exists the possibility to send an alarm to CCC at the same time as the “interlock”. Gianluigi commented that such pre-warning could be of interest for LHC operation. At the moment of the interlock in any case the vacuum piquet will receive an SMS.  Miguel stressed that this SMS message was not an “interlock” in the usual sense; it rather resembled an “alarm”, on which the cryogenics experts could act as they wanted. There was no need to enter into the machine to repair. In addition, the cryogenic system was likely to encounter some perturbation already below the 500 mbar pressure level.


Isabelle next presented the various icons, explaining the different symbols and their meanings. The color code indicates the status of a device. She then addressed the interface to the control system: The vacuum control is publishing data to LHC logging database. It will send alarms to LASER. Interlocks and gauges pressure will be published to CMW and DIP. The sector valve chain is part of the BIC system. Coming soon will be the usage of Diamon for the vacuum PLCs.


Replying to a question by Roger, Isabelle explained that “Diamon” was a successor of the former “Xcluck” (also see DIAMON paper by P. Charrue et al. presented at ICALEPCS 2007 Knoxville).


An online help is available directly from the application. A software user manual exists as EDMS document no. 904272.


Finally, Isabelle described the vacuum sector valve interlocks. Each sector valve has 3 or 4 gauges or pumps to interlock. To open a valve all equipment must be OK. The valve will close if all but one of the (3-4) nearby gauges or pumps show poor vacuum or are not functioning, and if, in addition, the beam is OFF. Miguel Jimenez commented that the temperature information is also part of the interlock. This is necessary to prevent a contamination of the NEG coating.


Isabelle finished with some upbeat conclusions.


Jean-Jacques commented on the logging interval of 3 minutes. Isabelle replied that indeed certain events are logged on change instead. Gianluigi mentioned his proposal to log more frequently.  He and Frank would prepare a list of pressure readings selected for faster logging.  Logging every 2-3 seconds should be possible.


Non-Conformities and Their Consequences (Massimo)

Massimo reviewed the non-conformities (NCs) for sectors 5-6 and 4-5, and the follow up of powering strategies during hardware commissioning.


Information about the non-conformities is available from the LHC HWC web site: . The non-conformities can be split into two classes: the second class is related to powering and magnet performance, which is more relevant to us. Massimo then pointed out that the MTF system allows closing a non-conformity with the status “decision pending”, which was unexpected and complicates the interpretation. Stephan Russenschuck will report about ELQA non-conformities at the LTC in 4 weeks time. Therefore the ELQA aspects were not covered in detail by Massimo’s presentation.


The statistics for sector 5-6 is: 16 NCs were found. Of these 13 are closed, but 8 of these with decisions pending. 3 NCs are still open. Only 1 NC is related to powering. 1 remaining NC refers to a test of the main dipoles MBs to estimate the time needed for 7 TeV commissioning. In the NC table shown by Massimo, green or no color means “closed”. Red color indicates “open” NCs, while orange means that an “action is underway”. The two main remaining issues for sector 5-6 are the orbit corrector MCBCV10.L6.B1 and the triplet. The MCBCV10.L6.B1 problem is related to the protection. It is not clear whether this magnet can be used. Extra tests will be performed. Based on the results of these tests either a repairing action is taken or its current will be limited. The second problem concerns the polarity of triplet quadrupoles and correctors. An analysis was performed by S. Russenschuck, and presented at the MPP on 14/04/08 (“Polarity Issues at the Inner Triplets and DFBXs”). No easy fix is possible. The only possible approach is at the level of the patch panel for the power converters. In particular two main leads were erroneously exchanged, giving rise to a potential worry about the QX1 trim. A solution will be proposed.


Frank S. asked what exactly the term “repair” meant. Massimo replied this could either be a change of polarity, or a decision to fix it. Stephane remarked that sometimes a wire was cut. He asked what the corresponding disposition statement would be. Massimo said the statement about the cut wire was correct, e.g. .sometimes we are missing a decapole or sextupole corrector as result, but this type of problem concerned a different sector. Jean-Jacques commented that the disposition could be “use as is” in such case. Stephane remarked that this would not be strictly correct because an action had been taken.


Following this LHCCWG meeting, Massimo looked for non-conformities concerning failing spool pieces in other parts of the ring. Only sector 1-2 is affected, where this type of failure occurred in two instances:

·         Dipole 2412 in half cell 32L2: The MCD failed the ELQA and it was by-passed as well as the MCO. In EDMS the status of the NCs is “closed with warnings”. The NCs are correctly reported in the HWC web site: it is displayed with a colour-code corresponding to “action underway” and with the disposition “decision pending”.

·         Dipole 1277 in half cell 19R: The MCS failed the ELQA and it was by-passed. In EDMS the status of the NC is “closed with warnings”. Again the NCs are correctly reported in the HWC web site: it is displayed with a colour-code corresponding to “action underway” and disposition “decision pending”.

This means that the action taken (by-passing the spool piece) is not recorded in the official documents! Massimo announced that he would talk to Stephan and Davide to clarify the situation.


Frank asked whether it had not been stated during the 89th LTC meeting that the QX1 trim would not be connected for this year’s run. Massimo replied this was not the case, and according to his understanding the QX1 trims would be made operational. Stephane confirmed that a repair of the triplet error does not look possible. Only the cabling at the power converter side can be changed. Discussion with Stephan Russenschuck is underway.


Next Massimo summarized the non-conformities of sector 4-5. Here 35 NCs were found, 34 of which are closed. 19 of the latter are closed with “decision pending”. Massimo pointed out that the access to the NC information was forbidden. So he could not look at the details. Nevertheless he could find out at least that there are three main issues: (1) BPM in Q22.R4.B1; here a repair was decided; Massimo interpreted this to mean that the BPM will be available; (2) triplet quadrupoles (and correctors) polarity error - the problem is similar to sector 5-6; (3) closed orbit correctors RCBYH6.R4B1 and RCBYV6.R4B2 are reported as problematic, but their situation is not clear. Feedback from Andrzej is awaited. Another corrector, RCBYH5.R4B1, had been reported as problematic at the LTC of 13/02/08 in a presentation by R. Wolf (“Potential Orbit Corrector Short in IR4”); in view of the importance of this corrector, a repairing action had been launched and was already completed. Special tests will assess the final status and verify the success of the repair.


In the last part of his presentation, Massimo followed up on the powering strategy. He recalled that powering levels for the 80 A, 120 A, 600 A elements had been proposed and presented by him at the 89th LTC on 23/04/08 (“Settings for 5 TeV Beam Operation”). A few refinements were made after the LTC. EDMS documents for powering tests in sectors 5-6 and 7-8 had been prepared by Walter Venturini, and were now ready for formal approval. The main remaining issue was the parameters used for the HWC of the various circuits and their compatibility with operation, in particular the current-change speed dI/dt and the acceleration dI^2/dt^2. Massimo showed some tables presented by Walter at a special meeting that was held to address this issue, listing ramp rate, current, and acceleration during the HWC powering tests. For different sets of circuits the acceleration values had been reduced by a factor 3-10, and the ramp rate had also been decreased. These reductions had been imposed by the quench protection system. Now we needed to make sure that these parameters were compatible with normal LHC operation.


Stephane commented that these reduced rates were probably not compatible with operation. Ralph S. explained that in particular there was a risk that the feedback would cause spurious quenches. Rates up to 50 times higher had originally been assumed for the feedback correctors, and they would be possible with regard to the power converters. Bernhard Holzer and Oliver pointed out that a scaling with the maximum current in each magnet would need to be made before comparing to the ramp rate of the main circuits. Massimo commented that the acceleration looked more problematic than the ramp rate. The latter was probably OK for the standard LHC cycle. Also Massimo highlighted that the feedback system requirements needed to be checked carefully. A next topical meeting to clarify this issue was foreseen in less than 2 weeks time. In parallel the quench protection system was being improved by adding new filters.


Replying to a question by Mike, Ralph S. explained that for correcting 1 unit of chromaticity at 7 TeV in the order of 1 A correction was typically needed. This number scales with energy (it is a factor 15.5 lower for 450 GeV). For the time being, the power converters would use their maximum rate (dI/dt|_max = 5 A/s -> d^2I/dt^2|_max = 250 A/s^2) for the feedback, unless an action was taken. Several options exist to avoid this problem, e.g. implementing a rate limiter for the power converters, or introducing a limit on dI/dt in the feedback algorithm. Bernhard Holzer remarked that the beam would not survive a chromaticity change of 1 unit within a millisecond, adding that such changes would need to be slowed down in any case.


In summary, as far as NCs were concerned, only a few orbit correctors and triplet polarity issues had been worth mentioning.


Roger asked whether the NCs were communicated to anybody. Oliver remarked that the situation reminded him of the as-built database.  It was striking that we do not even have access to all the information. Gianluigi highlighted that we should check all the NCs, including the closed ones. Massimo clarified that the MPP was the correct body which should discuss all these problems. Walter is a member of the MPP and serves as our link. Ralph S. suggested that a current acceleration limit could be enforced by e.g. limiting the ramp rate to less than 0.1 A/s, which would translate into an effective acceleration limit as well or through an additional d^2I/dt^2 specific rate limiter directly inside the FGCs. The acceleration for which the system is being commissioned is two orders of magnitude off from what the power converters could do, but it is only a factor of about 2 off from what is needed for chromaticity control.


Gianluigi noticed that NCs related to instrumentation, e.g. BPM offsets, should also appear in list of NCs. Massimo stated that the complete list had been shown, including instrumentation troubles. There was only one instrumentation NC, in sector 4-5.


Next Meeting

Tuesday June 3rd, 14:00

CCC conference room 874/1-011

Provisional agenda


Minutes of previous meeting

Matters arising

Needs or wishes for commissioning the TOTEM Roman pots (Ernst Radermacher)




 Reported by Frank