CC: Ralph Assmann,
There were no specific comments on
the minutes of the previous meeting.
There was a question on the
‘checked by list’ of names for the procedures. It was decided to determine the
name on a case by case basis. For the Vacuum System Procedures Gianluigi and
Frank should be added to the list. By default all EICs
and CICs should be on the list.
In the template there is the
indication how often certain tests will need to be repeated. It was asked if
there should also be the option “to be repeated after every fill”. This was
rejected, as the aim is to follow-up the result of the tests in MTF, and this
is not practical to do for every fill. Instead of a commissioning procedure,
this then becomes an operational procedure.
Alejandro presented a draft version
of the commissioning procedures of the Power Interlock System (PIC). He started
with an introduction of the layout of the system: the PICs
are grouped together in 2 x 8 loops, with each loop being connected to two BIC
User Interfaces, giving the required redundancy for all signals connected to
the BIC. The essential circuits are unmaskable, the
auxiliary circuits are maskable, with the two
circuits being on separate loops connected to the BIC. Alejandro reminded the
interface to the underlying systems: Power Converters, Quench Protection
System, Cryogenics System, Uninterruptible Power Supply and the ‘Arrêt d’Urgence Général’. The interface to this
equipment is doubled (in series) via a CPU system (slow) and a matrix system
System tests without beam: Tests
are to take place per IR and not per sector. For each IR two sectors are involved.
One PIC interfaces to different cryogenics systems, which can be a practical
problem during the hardware commissioning period. The test conditions required
during the hardware commissioning / cold checkout period are listed on slide 8,
and the testing of the different underlying systems are briefly summarise in
the following slides. The circuit-by-circuit tests presented on slide 10 will
be performed from the CCC. Tests also take place on the BIC level, including
the redundancy of the dump request. Because these tests will need to be done
with the machine cold, they will likely have to take place (as well) during the
cold checkout period and will need to be automated to be done ‘fast’.
The delays between the beam dump
request from the underlying equipment and the beam dump request issued by the
BIS is important and should be measured (parasitically via the post mortem?). This
can be done without beam.
There are no tests required with
A draft version of the PIC MPS
commissioning procedures has been put on the Web page page
with procedures.
BIS system: Bruno gave a paper copy
of the procedures to Jan, to be checked on some ‘basic assumptions’ (details of
test should go to the clients!). He will make a presentation in the next
meeting in 3 weeks.
BLM system: Work on the procedures
has started, based on the HC documentation, but cold checkout and tests with
beams to be added. Also to be presented in 3 weeks.
Collimator system: Ongoing.
Beam Dumping System: Ongoing –
details of the different phases to be agreed upon.
Injection System: Should have
something ready when the SPS is running again (beginning of June).
FMCM: Draft procedure received
after the meeting, put on the Web page page
with procedures.
WIC system: ongoing.
Uythoven, 26/04/07.