Present: Ralph Assmann, Bernd Dehning, Laurette Ponce, Blanca Perea Solano, Stefano Redaelli, Rudiger
Schmidt, Benjamin Todd, Jan Uythoven
CC: Roger Bailey, Brennan Goddard, Eva
Barbara Holzer, Verena Kain, Mike Lamont, Bruno
Puccio, Jorg Wenninger, Markus Zerlauth
There were no comments on the minutes of the previous meeting.
The status of the document
describing the MPS aspects of the commissioning of the vacuum system was
discussed. The comments have been included in the new version of the vacuum procedures. This
is still not a final version which outstanding issues marked in red. Please
send your comments concerning this document either to Laurette or to Jan. The
outstanding issues should be finalised in the coming weeks and then entered in
the edms system for approval.
Jan gave a short presentation concerning the structure of MPS commissioning
documentation and procedures. The different systems were mentioned (slide 3)
and the different phases were discussed (slide 4). These phases have now been
updated to be coherent with the general LHC commissioning phases and an updated
list can be found in the template of the
commissioning procedures. Further comments have been included in the slides.
It was agreed that the people
listed on slide 3 of the presentation prepare a document
describing the MPS aspects of the commissioning of ‘their’ system. A draft document for
discussion should be available 6 weeks after the meeting: for the meeting of 18
April. The template, based on the commissioning
procedures, should be used as a starting point. Rüdiger
will look for help for Markus writing the documentation on the systems listed
under his name.
Blanca gave a presentation,
illustrating possible representation of the MPS commissioning structure and
results in MTF. There are many possibilities and the best way will largely
depend on the way the different tests are described and linked. It was decided
to wait for some commissioning procedures to be available and then put some of
it in MTF.
Uythoven, 15/03/07.