Entry Conditions for Phase A.2:

Machine setup: Injection optics, single pilot bunch, nominal magnet cycle, necessary machine protection functionality.


Entry condition


 Phase A.1 completed: first turn completed


 Timing system


Interleaved injection


 Application software


Multi-turn trajectory acquisition


Fast Analog Signals (OASIS) available in CCC and Point 4


Tools to measure the beam phase shift per turn w.r.t the reference RF frequency signals


Injection bucket error application available


Mountain range application available for CCC -> plus fit for longitudinal beam size


YASP for closed orbit measurement and correction (including closure)


LOCO available for orbit response analysis


Knobs for B-field correction (affecting all magnetic elements by octant and for the whole machine


Knob for Bdl trim with orbit correctors for the two beams


Online MADX model available


Basic post Mortem analysis tool available


LHC sequencer to inject with interleaved scheme and for cycling machine


 Injection and transfer lines


B-field trim tested with beam in SPS, TI2 and TI8


 RF system [note 1]


 RF cavities conditioned and operating up to maximum voltage without beam


RF synchro-loop and phase-loop hardware commissioned


 Beam instrumentation


 Screens should be OUT. One should get an alarm when they are IN.


 BPM in intensity mode possible


 BPM synchronous acquisition possible


Fast BCT available, even if not calibrated (providing relative information)





Notes on entry conditions


1. RF

  • Cavities have been phased

  • Paths from 8 cavities to the cavity sum have been phased (taking time of flight into account)

  • APW (Phase pick up) and CAV SUM (cavity sum) signals have been aligned in the Beam Phase module (see Fig 1).

    • During hardware commissioning one should measure the difference in cable length between APW to the module and CAV SUM to the module

  • All Cavity Controller loops hardware commissioned:

    • Tuner

    • RF feedback

    • Klystron Polar Loop

  • Cavities conditioned to 10 MV/m for all coupler positions (Q = 20000 to 60000).

    • note: Q = 20000 at injection

  • Phase loop already tested to lock, with beam replaced by a train of pulses

  • Preparation (see Fig 1):

    • Set the plateau in the frequency program function at the desired injection frequency and lock the VCXO onto it via the Synchro Loop

    • Adjust the phase shift in the Synchro Loop module so that the phase discri output ΔФsync is zero

    • All BTUs (Frevprog, Master Frev) set to B=0 (or default value)

  • RF OFF