A Macpherson:
Present: R Alemany
Fernandez, G Arduini, R Assmann,
R Bailey, H Burkhardt, M Dankor,
B Dehning, S Fartoukh, M Giovannozzi, B Holzer, L Jensen,
J Jowett, G Kruk, M Lamont,
R Lindner, A Macpherson, D Micallet,
D Nisbet, L Ponce, R Schmidt, J Uythoven,
W Venturini Delsolaro
Results from tests with B-field
in LHCb: R Linder
LHCb reported on the
powering of their magnet, which primarily checked
o Magnet
Control System/ Magnet Safety System
o Verification
of isolation
o Beam
Dump (fast ramp down)
o Movement
of their RICH 1: previous switch on of the magnet caused a displacement of 1.7
o Measurement
of magnetic field and symmetry between positive and negative B-field.
Powering results that the B-field was
“sufficiently good”
o The symmetry was measured to the level of (B-
- B+) <0.0001 T at ~1.13 T
o ‘Demagnetizing’ cycle does not improve the
symmetry of neg/pos B-field significantly, so is not
to be done.
o A
B field ripple of ~5 x 10-5 in the nominal B –field with a period of
~40 minutes was found to be induced by a variation in the cooling water
temperature of the dipole cooling circuit, but the effect is negligible for
o Changing
of the B-field polarity can be done without running through a sequence.
o Improved
detector fixation was been verified.
o The RICH2 Hybrid Photon Detectors (HPD) were
checked for image
distortion under magnet operation, and are now commissioned with
- R
Bailey asked if all tests had now finished. Response: Yes, up to a final check when
all LHCb detectors are in and operating.
- B Holzer asked if the control of the 3 compensator
magnets associated with the dipole have been tested. Response: they have been validated for operation
and the synchronization of the controls/ interlocking has been checked.
Warm Magnets in Point 3: M. Giovannozzi
- The
issue is that due to high circuit resistance, some magnets in IR3 are
limited below the nominal or ultimate performance.
- The
proposed solution is to install additional cables in parallel to those
already installed. The presentation identified circuits for which this
additional cable is needed.
- Of
the 9 circuits involved, only the RQT4.R3 and RQT5.R3 have an I_max < I_nominal. For
RQT4 Imax/Inominal = 322/600 and for RQT5 it
is 454/600
- In
addition to RQT4/5 it has been offered that RCBWH5.R3B1 and RCBWV5.R3B2
circuits also be modified as Imax/Inom
- The
cable installation is not mandatory before the 2008 run.
- G. Arduini asked if the cable installation could be done
before startup, and R Schmidt that the present planning had the cables for
the 2 quads being installed during week 30.
BLM Data Transfer to Databases:
B Dehning
- Bernd
described the process of the BLM data transfer. This involves the
following steps:
- Generation
of data in threshold comparator and combiner
- Packaging
of data by VME crate sent to concentrator
- Concentrator
reception of data, computation, filtering, packaging and sending of data
to clients (measurement DB, displays, collimation, …)
- Measurement
to Logging database, filtering (one value every 60 s and logging if value
are over threshold)
- Unfortunately
with the present system only ~2000 BLMs are useable at any one time, so
that for 2008, some form of data reduction is needed.
- It
was stated that such a reduction in the transmitted data should only be
considered as temporary, as database improvements are expected after
- The
initial proposal put forward by Bernd was that only 6 of the 12 running be
transmitted, and that the transmission rate be reduced to 0.5Hz sums
- R Assmann
stated that this proposal was unacceptable as these reductions would
significantly increase the time for collimator commissioning
- After
some discussion, a new proposal was agreed upon and requires the
- The
BLM data is pushed off the front end at a rate of 1 Hz, and this data
can be provided to the collimator system at 1 Hz for the feedback during collimator
data is pushed to the logging data base at a rate of 0.5 Hz
- The
filtering of the data is not done at the device level but instead,
should be done at the database level.
ie the data
arrives at the concentrator at a 1Hz rate, but is filtered before
- It
was not clarified at the end of the discussion if the number of
transmitted running sums would be reduced from 12 to 6.
S56 tracking
performance between RQF.A56, RQD.A56 and RB.A56. David Nisbet
- The
presentation can be found at https://edms.cern.ch/document/933361/1
- Tracking
between main circuits was found to give an I_ref
– I_Act =2.3ppm
- The
global postmortem timing event was used to generate a synchronized
tracking test that could work across multiple sectors
- M.
Lamont pointed out that it might be better to use a selective trigger
once more of the machine is available, as the global postmortem trigger
links to many systems.
- G. Arduini asked if comparing a linear interpolation of
the converter steps to the I_measured had also
done the measurements.
- Response:
At present such a refinement had not been done, but the data could be
made available.
- S Fartoukh asked if I_QF/I_MB and I_QD/I_MB had been
determined, as this would give a good estimate of b2/b1 to the few ppm
level and could be used to estimate the quality of a ramp, as variations
would indicate tune shifts. This had not yet been looked at.
- Roger
reported the main points from the ICC held on the 4th of July,
- L.Evans informed the committee that the target date
for closure of the detectors and the experimental caverns is now the end
of the first week of August
- A
cleanup campaign for the tunnel that is needed before beam is injected.
The clean schedule presented went from the present through to the 28th
of August.
- A
version of the HWC schedule (dated July 2nd) was shown that
had HWC finishing at the end of week 35, and involved powering in up to 4
sectors at once.
tests are mandatory before injection of first beam
- These
tests can be broken down into three categories
- Intrusion
into the machine when in “beam” mode
- Éléments importantes de Sécurité (EiS) going
unsafe when in “access” mode
- Auxiliary
functions (Patrols, passage through PAD/MAD, Mode changes, connection
to BIC and LBDS, etc)
- The
strategy and timing of the DSO tests is still being decided, but is
expected to have a significant impact on accessibility of the machine
and experimental caverns
- A
proposal for the DSO tests has to be discussed both with the machine
and the experiments.
- At
present that initially proposed date for the DSO tests is week 31, and
would take ~
six 8-hr evening shifts.
- It was
commented that in the planning shown there didn’t seem to be sufficient
allocation for cold checkout. Roger noted this, but commented that the end
game planning was difficult to finalize. J Uythoven
also noted that time needs to be reserved for Machine protection