Summary notes of the fortieth meeting of the LHC Commissioning Working Group


Tuesday February 12th, 14:00

CCC conference room 874/1-011

Persons present


Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

There were no comments on the minutes of the 39th meeting.

Helmut recalled that a Workshop on Experimental Conditions and Beam Induced Detector Backgrounds, will take place at CERN from 3 to 4 April 2008. He invited all LHCCWG members to actively take part in this event, where in particular the experience at Tevatron, RHIC and HERA will be discussed in view of the LHC, following a recommendation from the LHC MAC.

Roger quickly reviewed the agenda of the upcoming LHCCWG meetings. He announced that, since on 26 February Steve Meyers will make a general presentation to the AB Department, the LHCCWG meeting on that day will be held short, and will only look at the results from the ongoing dry runs. At the following meeting, on 11 March, Werner will discuss the maximum tolerable strength of the LHCb spectrometer at injection, Philippe will review the bunch numbering, and Mike will report on the distribution of bunch information to the experiments. Roger also announced the Extended LTC days scheduled in the first week of March.


Bunch Filling Schemes: Experiments Desiderata (Massimiliano


Massimiliano presented the luminosity and bunch-filling demands from the experiments according to his present understanding. He started with a reminder of LEP, which accommodated 4 symmetrically placed experiments. At LHC, not only is the fourfold symmetry broken, with experiments in points 1, 2, 5 and 8, but in addition LHCb is longitudinally displaced by 1.5 bunch spacings.

ATLAS and CMS want to receive maximum integrated luminosity, with perhaps some nuances. Several questions are open, but initially ATLAS and CMS prefer a reduced pile up for equal luminosity and smooth stable running conditions.

The LHC beam commissioning roadmap towards the nominal LHC had been determined in view of ATLAS and CMS. Also, since these two experiments are located symmetrically, ATLAS and CMS will get exactly the same the same bunch pairs colliding in their respective IPs. The complexity arises from adding LHCb and ALICE.

ALICE specialties include a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) with 90 microsecond drift time. This TPC limits the useful luminosity to less than 3e30 cm-2s-1, while the optimum luminosity is only 1e29 cm-2s-1. For the 25-ns nominal LHC scheme providing the target luminosity in ALICE requires parallel separation of the two beams, or defocusing, or both. The beam-gas background also imposes stringent vacuum constraints. The multiplicity trigger of ALICE is based on a silicon pixel detector, with signal integration over 100 ns (10 MHz clock). If trying to reduce pile-up by multiplication of bunches, then the bunch separations during commissioning should be larger than 100 ns for ALICE.

The ALICE physics optimally done with early filling schemes includes the study of high-multiplicity events which require low pile up. ALICE would like to discuss with the accelerator side the flexibility in the individual bunch populations, as well as all ways of getting low pp luminosity simultaneously with high luminosity in ATLAS and CMS.

Massimiliano stressed that the optimum ALICE luminosity is already reached with a single bunch of 7.5e10 protons at beta*=10 m. Poisson statistics tells us the distribution of events. It might be better to distribute the luminosity over more bunches, and keep their spacing larger than 100 ns.

For LHCb not only the luminosity but also the Poisson number matters. The latter is an important criterion for the separation of different events and for suppressing events with nearby vertices. But LHCb can handle higher luminosities of up to 2-5e32 cm-2s-1, and if available it could make use of such luminosity immediately (from day 1).

From these considerations, Massimiliano now transited to the early filling schemes. He started by considering 1 or 2 bunches per ring, and afterwards addressed the optimized 43x43 scheme, the optimized 50-ns case, and briefly the LHC upgrade.

The minimum number of bunches per ring should not be one but rather two to have collisions in LHCb and/or ALICE in addition to CMS and ATLAS. One of the two bunches should be displaced, at least in one ring, to ensure collision at the LHCb IP.  Massimiliano sketched different possibilities with or without parasitic collisions in IP1 or IP5 (the parasitic collisions could be good or bad). The 43x43 bunch scheme is one of the LHC running scenarios presented in LHC-Project-Note-323_Revised (“Standard Filling Schemes for Various LHC Operation Modes,” by P. Collier and R. Bailey). The “perfect” 43x43 bunch scheme is based on a longitudinal shift of selected bunches first described in LHC Project Note 401 (“Alternative Bunch Filling Schemes for the LHC,” by G. Arduini, W. Herr, E. Metral, and T. Pieloni). The underlying idea is to give more collisions to LHCb than to ALICE by a symmetric shift of bunches in every second quarter of the ring while keeping the maximum number of colliding pairs in ATLAS an CMS.

Massimiliano highlighted that contrary to the common belief it is possible to design a 50 ns scheme which makes everybody happy. The trick is to start from the ideal 25-ns scheme and then remove all “even” bunches from both beams. The 50-ns scheme offers several important advantages: (1) Only 3 IPs give full head-on collisions, instead of 4. (2) It requires no separation or beta* increase in ALICE. (3) With known current limitations, it may give a higher luminosity than either the 75-ns scheme or the 25-ns scheme.

Finally, looking at the upgrade, Massimiliano commented on the “small-large” 25-ns scheme for LHCb. This is not a problem for the proposed 50-ns filling scheme, since one can always fulfill the requirement by selecting the right parity of the filling.

Massimiliano concluded that the great flexibility foreseen for the LHC filling should allow many ways to accommodate the various experimental desiderata and to satisfy all experiments simultaneously. If the proposed ideas are correct, they should be approved by the LTC, documented and advertised at the LPC. 

Bunch Filling Schemes for Early Running Scenarios (Werner)

Werner presented the details of the various bunch filling schemes. Issues include luminosity, experimental collisions, and beam-beam effects, other collective effects, e.g. electron cloud, diagnostics, etc. He focused his presentation on the first three of these issues. However, his presentation had been checked with Gianluigi and Elias, who confirmed that the assumptions made on the injector chain were reasonable.

As already indicated by Massimiliano, an important input is that ALICE requires 5 orders of magnitude less luminosity than the nominal luminosity for ATLAS and CMS.

Filling schemes must also be optimized from the point of view of beam-beam effects. Here, the aim is to minimize the bunch-to-bunch variation of orbit, tunes, etc. In the LHC trains of 2, 3, or 4 PS batches are transferred from the SPS to the LHC. The LHC nominal filling scheme is achieved with 12 injections from the SPS per beam.

Werner stressed that the LHC is the first hadron collider operating with many bunches. The large bunch number dominates all the beam-beam effects. As a consequence, the exact collision schedule is needed for all beam-beam related studies. Self-consistent beam-beam and luminosity computations are employed to predict the orbits, tunes, and luminosity for each individual bunch or bunch-pair, as well as the measurement response to an excitation. Missing bunches, bunch-to-bunch fluctuations in intensity or emittance etc are also important elements to be considered. An appropriate flexible description of the filling scheme is therefore needed, which fulfills all requirements. The description chosen is based on the 3564 slot numbers. Bunches are numbered according to their slot positions, providing an easy way to define the two beams. In particular, Werner emphasized that in the adopted description the two beams can be completely different, e.g. it is possible to consider 1 bunch in one ring and 2808 bunches in the other.

Werner warned that, concerning the collision schedules, one should watch out for any bunch spacing other than 25 ns spacing. In the old days the specifications for IP2 were different. With 50-ns spacing one must verify good collisions in IP2 and IP8. With 156 bunches the two beams are well separated without a crossing angle. The nominal filling scheme gives 2808 collisions in IP1 and 5, 2736 in IP2, and 2622 in IP8 (where bunches at the start and end of each train do not collide due to the shift of the IP).

With 43 (44) equidistant bunches, there would be no collisions in LHCb. A certain number of bunches can be displaced, however. By virtue of this displacement it is possible to achieve e.g. 11-19 collisions in LHCb while retaining 21-4 collisions in ALICE.

Bunches can be displaced either in one beam only or in both beams symmetrically. The basic assumptions for the injectors are that we can shift the PS to SPS injection (1 batch), and/or the SPS to LHC injection for 2, 3 or 4 batches, and that we can replace the SPS to LHC injection by a single bunch. In the following, Werner only invoked the last two assumptions, because he received the information that these two components are reasonably easy to implement.

The luminosity can be flexibly shared between IP2 and IP8 by adjusting the filling scheme. For example the luminosity with 156 bunches can be increased in IP8 and the one in IP2 reduced, again by shifting some of the SPS injections. Two options were presented.

A 50-ns spacing scheme had already been looked at 20 years ago, but it had been given up later in favor of 25 ns. An advantage of the 50 ns spacing is that it promises a high luminosity with much fewer long-range collisions. Selected trains (SPS/LHC transfers) can be shifted by 1 slot to achieve the desired luminosity sharing between IP2 and IP8. Werner now presented 5 LHCb collision options based on 50-ns spacing. As his favorite he recommended scheme “e”, where only 2 bunches collide in ALICE with almost full nominal luminosity in the other three IPs, in view of the very low luminosity at ALICE. The scheme requires replacing the first transfer to LHC by a single bunch. Werner qualified this “modified 50 ns” scheme as a good alternative to the old 75 ns scenario.

Jean-Jacques asked if the ‘small-large’ scheme, mentioned by Masimiliano for sLHC, could become an early scenario because beam instrumentation is not adapted for this. Werner and Paul replied no.

Roger asked for Werner’s preference among the early scenarios. Werner’s preference was 43 bunches to start with, of which 19 bunches would be shifted for LHCb. Massimiliano inquired whether the 4 bunches colliding in IP2 would be consecutive bunches or not. Werner answered that they would be at a large enough separation, but not equidistant. Roger remarked that bunches for IP 1 and 5 would also not be perfectly equidistant. Werner agreed saying that this would never be the case. Thomas commented that a large gap would be fully sufficient, and it did not need to be equal.

Roger asked for any other comment or any objection. Massimiliano brought up a question from Alice, namely by how much one can vary the intensity of a single bunch, e.g. whether one could have one or two bunches with low intensity. Werner referred this question to the injectors. Massimiliano added a second related question about the smallest number of bunches which could have a different bunch charge. Gianluigi responded that one could set up two different users with different intensities to accommodate any wish, and that for example 3 out of 4 bunches in one injection could have the same charge. The details would depend on how this is programmed. Massimiliano rephrased his question as “what is the minimum charge in a bunch that can be used together with a high charge of 5e10 or 1e11?” Gianluigi confirmed that 1e10 for a simultaneous weak bunch should be fine. However, he cautioned that it had never been tried to operate with 1e11 and 5e9 bunch intensities on the same cycle. In particular, Gianluigi observed that low intensity bunches might have a different RF phase with respect to higher intensity bunch and this could lead to longitudinal blow-up and/or poor capture.


Next Massimiliano commented that it is not quite clear to what extent ALICE will prefer pile up spread out over many collisions rather than pile up in a single collision. This depends on the multiplicity spectrum that they will find.

Paul remarked that the operational complexity is increased by the special filling schemes. Massimiliano pointed out that on the positive side these filling schemes may save time on other efforts, e.g. by avoiding the need of defocusing or of implementing halo collisions in IP2.

Gianluigi noted that nothing has been done to prevent 50-ns spacing. He had checked this with the rf group. Roland’s presentation at Chamonix 2003 described the implementation and experience with 50 ns operation in 2002. Elias, Gianluigi, and Paul discussed that the 75-ns schemes misses the triple splitting in the PS, while for the 50-ns scheme one of the double splittings is left out. The reported first reaction from Steve Hancock was that the 50-ns spacing can be produced again. Gianluigi observed that the mechanics of the injectors must still be checked for the more complicated filling patterns.

Jean-Jacques and Massimiliano discussed the issue of the two dynamic BPM ranges, which could complicate the simultaneous operation with two different bunch intensities. Rhodri confirmed that BPM would not see pilot bunches mixed within nominal ones. No other specific issue for BI could be identified.

Helmut commented that the background in ALICE could be a concern, since the signal to noise ratio will be much worse than for the other experiments. Roger and Massimiliano observed that this fact was almost independent of the filling scheme. Helmut speculated that there could be some possibilities to improve the signal-to-noise ratio via the timing. Massimiliano commented that, yes, he indeed believed that ALICE uses timing correlations to suppress beam-gas events.

Gianluigi commented that we might expect a different lifetime for bunches with varying intensity. Paul added that the bunch emittances will also be different, which could have implications for collimation. Gianluigi warned that the emittance for 50-ns spacing could be different from, smaller than, nominal. Also the 75-ns bunches have a much smaller emittance than the 25-ns beam.

Alick asked if there were other motivations for the choice of bunch spacings. Roger recalled that the two main motivations had been the electron cloud and the desire to maximize the luminosity at constant bunch charge or at constant beam current. Ralph agreed with Massimiliano that we must go to higher bunch charge and larger spacing than 25 ns to reach maximum luminosity.  Massimiliano re-emphasized that the 50-ns spacing is the spacing for which one might hope to get the highest luminosity given the maximum permitted total beam current.

In summary, no reason was found why the proposed 50-ns scheme should not work. Machine development studies should be performed early in 2008 to reproduce the 50 ns beam and to study the possibility of injecting bunches with different intensity in the SPS for the 43 bunch scheme.

LBDS Dry Runs (Verena)

Verena presented a quick overview of what is planned for the LBDS dry runs. All relevant information is posted at http://wikis/display/LHCOP/LBDS+Dry+Runs .

The present week (week no. 7) foresees tests of point 6 BI devices in XPOC acquisition mode, and the running of the LBDS equipment from CCC. In the next week (8) the sequence should be (almost) ready for a reliability run from CCC. Further LBDS dry runs are coming up in weeks 11 (programmed dump), 15, and 19.

Verena reviewed the signals and the sequence of events for a programmed dump.  The energy tracking system BETS normally receives the beam energy from 4 arcs to define kicker voltage. The sequence of events for a programmed dump consists of 7 steps. Verena explained that the scenario for week 7 is different from the nominal scheme: The beam dump is triggered by the timing system directly instead of via the open permit loop. The “beam dumped event” is sent out by operations and not automatically by timing. The BI acquisition is triggered by this “beam dumped” event, for the XPOC analysis. And the energy information comes from a “BETS simulator” in 4 arcs and not through the RB DCCTs.

Items which are tested in this dry run comprise: control of LBDS equipment from CCC, arming of LBDS through the sequencer, BI devices in point 6, and the XPOC acquisition. The equipment already checked includes most of the BI instruments. Verena mentioned that the sequencer will be used to run the LBDS through a cycle. The sequencer will be essential for the reliability run starting soon. First conclusions will be presented after the dry run.

Jean-Jacques asked if the BETS signal is also provided to the BLMs via the timing system. Verena replied that this signal is not yet available, but it could perhaps be made available for week 11 if BI ask for this (which according to Jean-Jacques they will to verify the BLM threshold selection). Brennan commented that BT will check whether it is possible that the BETS simulator energy be distributed via the SLP system.

Plan for Ramp&Squeeze etc. Tests in Sector 45 (Mike)

Mike announced that his team got its paws on some of the magnets in Sector 45. The matching section with magnets D4, Q5, Q6 etc had been done on Monday. The region left of IP5 was being worked on. A full blown test was planned for Thursday, including a ramp to maximum energy. The dry run would be terminated by the scheduled warm up on the following Monday morning.  In detail, the ongoing tests address LSA, timing, pre-cycles, the parabolic ramp, etc. The realistic transfer functions and coefficients from FiDeL were downloaded into LSA. As for the LBDS dry run, conclusions would be reported in a couple of weeks.

Brennan asked whether the overall ramp would be limited by the commissioned current of the weakest circuit and to what level. Concerning an observed discrepancy between the target current numbers and the maximum excitation for a limited number of circuits, Massimo remarked that this problem might be resolved by updating the transfer functions. Walter commented on the plans for the magnet powering tests. Paul remarked that the recommendation is not to quench.

Next Meeting

Tuesday February 26th, 14:00

CCC conference room 874/1-011

Provisional agenda


Minutes of previous meeting

Matters arising

Summary of sector 45 operational tests (Mike or Reyes)

Summary of LBDS dry run (Verena)


 Reported by Frank